Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pam and Andrew - Oct. in MD

I had the pleasure of taking some pictures of this sweet, young Coast Guard couple last week.  Pam's wishes were to get a few good Christmas card photos, but it looks like we got a few more than just Christmas pics!  I was very motivated to do a lot of poses with them in Burba Park at the Fort Meade army base and they were willing to let me shuffle them around! (THANKS guys!!!) After about an hour of shooting, I am really pleased with the finished product!  They are gorgeous and, like Pam told me, she's going to have to send out a Christmas BOOK instead of a card!  :)

The lighting at 5:00-6:00 PM in Maryland, this time of year, is perfection!  The shadows are dark and crisp where they need to be and the sunlight is bright and glowing.  What a great time to get some beautiful shots!

Here are a few that I wanted to share...

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

© Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

 © Heidi Ritter Photography

© Heidi Ritter Photography

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

I have never been more aware of breast cancer than now.  The idea of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the PINK PINK PINK push was nice before.  I never gave it much thought.  I have aquaintances who have been affected by breast cancer, but it didn't affect me like it does having my own mother fighting it today. 

It's so easy for me to show my support for the spread of awareness.  It's so easy for me to be like, "Hey friends!  Pink ribbons mean breast cancer!  Let's get aware!"  I can even wear pink every day of October.  I can do everything that I can, but I'm not fighting the fight.  My mom is and I wish I could do something more.  So many good women have fought it and are fighting along with her.  I can never imagine what it must be like to get diagnosed or go through a bilateral mastectomy or go through chemo treatments or go weeks without an appetite or lose all my hair...  But, the very least I can do is talk about it and help so many others across the country spread the word about awareness. 

I do know that I need to be more aware of this cancer.  It's heart breaking for those who know what "breast cancer awareness" really means.  For them, it's more than October.  They are AWARE of breast cancer every day of every month of every year. 

WE LOVE YOU, MOM!!!  You are a warrior and you will see victory very soon!  In honor of her, I put a few pictures together. 

© Heidi Ritter Photography

© Heidi Ritter Photography